Sunday, July 24, 2011

While Republicans Take Us On A Roller Coaster Ride...What's Happening to Jobs?

      Is anyone as sick of debt ceiling "negotiations" as I am?  I have never been a big fan of roller coaster rides, and I'm definitely way ready for this ride to be over.  One minute up, next minute down;  the President saying  "compromise,"  Republicans who worship at the altar of Grover Norquist  saying "no" to everything they don't agree with, and coming up with a "new plan" which is their same old plan reworded. 

     Should Medicare and Medicaid benefits aka entitlement programs be cut?  No.  It's not only immoral to hurt the elderly, sick, disabled, and poor of our country, it doesn't make good business sense.  Reduce Medicare and Medicaid benefits, and more of our elderly, sick, disabled and poor will end up living on the streets and seeking medical help in hospital emergency rooms.  This will actually end up causing more debt, not less.
     Should Social Security benefits be cut?  Why?  We Americans pay into Social Security all of our working lives.  President George H.W. Bush and President Clinton both raided the Social Security trust fund. The Bush administration looted the Social Security trust fund to pay for wars and tax cuts for the rich.  These raids are the only reason that Social Security is now out of money and a cause of debt.  The money that was taken should be returned  and a lock should be put on the Social Security trust fund, including surpluses, so that it can't be raided again.

     Should education programs be cut?  Are you kidding?  Lawmakers are already whining that Americans need to be better educated and trained for a more competitive world.  Cutting funding for education would be short-sighted.  An undereducated, undertrained population would be less likely to find jobs, especially good quality, good paying jobs, and would put an increased burden on society and social services, while paying less in taxes.

      Raise the debt ceiling.  Obviously, we should not default on our debt, causing our credit rating to drop, our money to be worth less, our interest rates to climb, our stock market to fall,  and our real estate market to plunge deeper than it already is.  To cut our expenditures and increase our revenue,  roll back tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans; take the cap off Social Security (FICA) taxes and make everyone pay into social security on their entire income, not just on the first $100K; remove tax loopholes for hedge fund managers and for corporations that offshore their operations and/or outsource jobs; stop subsidizing big oil companies, and fix inefficiencies in government spending, including overcharges by Medicare and Medicaid vendors.  This is the "Minnie Bee Plan" for reducing our debt.

      Raise the debt ceiling and move on.  While Congress and the President are spending time and energy on this roller coaster ride, unemployment is continuing to rise, and new jobs are not being created.  Patriotic American businesses of all sizes who are keeping jobs at home - companies like Tom's of Maine, Pepperidge Farm,  Viking Range,  Bayside Apparel, and Vita Fusion -  deserve to receive tax incentives; greedy, unpatriotic  "American" companies who outsource jobs to exploit cheap foreign labor should pay their fair share.

We create and keep U.S. jobs when we demand, promote, and buy Made in USA goods and products.

Representative of the outsourcing by "American" companies that is plaguing the American economy is the simple cracker.  Here are some recommended "Made in USA" crackers, and some not recommended, outsourced crackers made by so-called "American" companies.

This week's recommended products:
        ·         Pepperidge Farm (all crackers and crisps) - Made in USA by Pepperidge Farms,
              Inc., Norwalk, CT

·         Westminster Crackers - Made in USA by Westminster Cracker Co., Rutland, VT  (

·         Ry-Krisp Crackers - Made in USA by Bremner Food Group, Princeton, KY (

·         Breton crackers (all except Vinta and Breton Minis) - Made in USA by Dare Foods USA, Spartanburg, SC

NOT Recommended (made elsewhere):
      ·         Sunshine
      ·         Keebler
      ·         Nabisco (Kraft Foods)
      ·         Kashi
      ·         Wegmans
      ·         Lance
      ·         Red Oval Farms (Kraft Foods)

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